Friday, July 18, 2014

Faux Tie Dye!

Upcycle it with Faux Tie Dye!

Ever wanted to tie dye but did not want the mess or really have the time? Then this tutorial is for you! There are so many possibilities and styles. This tutorial shows a basic spiral pattern but there are so many other things that you can do with it. I Upcycled even further and turned this shirt into a no-sew halter top. Soooo...let your imagination run wild and have fun!!!!

Things you will need for this project:  Plain white or light colored Tshirt, Cans of spray paint, colors of your choice (No particular brand, but I tend to buy Krylon because they have so many different color choices) , Old newspaper, Iron(optional), and some imagination. :)

Step 1:The best place to start your project is in a well ventilated area or outdoors.  I placed my Tshirt on some old newspapers in my front yard. It was a beautiful sunny day so I took advantage of it. After getting yourself set up you will want to start twisting the tshirt from the center until you have it the way you want.  I also like to tuck in the edges a bit. It gives the tshirt a little extra texture once you spray paint it. (You will see what I mean once you untwist it after you complete step 2.) There is no wrong way here.  It is your tshirt and anything will look good.

Step 2:  
Once you have your tshirt twisted you can now start to spray your tshirt. I added a couple different colors. but you can choose just one color to start with and then use another color later. I was only using purple and blue but you can also use as many colors as your heart desires.
Once you are done you may now untwist your shirt.  If you like it like this you can leave it as it is. I wanted mine a little more colorful So I continued on.

Step 3:

Basically, you are repeating step 2 by twisting your tshirt into a spiral again.  This exposes more unpainted or white area and allows you to put paint in new areas.  I used only the blue color on this step, but like I said before, there is no wrong way.  Use any or all colors you want. Once you are finished painting you may untwist your shirt and check out the results. Again, I wanted more color. 

Step 4: 
Twist Your shirt again.  I decided to not twist as tightly on this round.  I also only used the purple color for this step. (You are almost a pro by now. :) )  Once I untwisted I was very happy with the results. If you are not then keep twisting and spraying!  Easy as that.  Let the front dry for a couple of minutes and you will be ready to do the back using the same steps that you used to do the front.  After the shirt completely dries you may now use your iron to heat set the tshirt.  You could easily leave this step out but I feel that it helps keep your color more vibrant for a longer period of time. 

How awesome is that?!!  I have been tie dying this way for many years and decided it was time to share my secret!  I don't waste money on fancy kits or have tie dyed hands when I am done. The spray paint goes a long ways and I can use it on other projects when I am done.  I have also used this technique to renew that old tshirt that I have gotten stains all over. BOOM!!! It is new again.  So have fun! Remember if you want to turn your tie dyed T into a halter then click here!

follow me on facebook for more tips and tricks!


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