Friday, November 6, 2015

Get the Dirt Off of My Floor!

I have never really been someone who cares about making guests take their shoes off at my door. But the older I get the more I hate sweeping.  We have hard wood floors so this is not as bad as those with carpets. 

Plus, if I am going to be completely honest it really does not matter to me if guests take their shoes off or not...this is really about my husband and the dog!  My husband is the worst tracker of mud that has ever existed. It never fails. As we are into fall and what I like to refer to as the "slop seasons", I get the wonderful gift of muddy yucky feet prints from snow and yuck.

NOW, don't get me wrong, I love the beauty of all that is fall and winter.  I just particularity do not like the trail that Shawn (My Husband) and Roscoe (My Rottie) bring in with them and track all the way up the stairway in the front of our home.  So in order to get them to comply with this I will have to get everyone. I apologize in advance for all those whom enter my home. 

I can't be the only one whom has this problem.  So, I have decided to make a printable graphic that you can spice up and print for your self. Directions are below the photo below.  Mine printed off a little light so I grabbed a black sharpie and a green marker and spiced it up a bit. Put in a frame and it made my world a better place.  Now....I just have to train the troops and come up with a solution for the dog. Wish me luck. 

If you do this craft, please feel free to share with me by commenting or sending to me on social media, etc. I would love to see your versions!

PRINTABLE VERSION : Right click and save to your computer. 
Resize to appropriate Size. Sometimes this can be done from the print screen.
 I sized mine to fit into an 8" x 10" frame.